Monday 18 May 2009


Want a preview of New Moon?

YES a PREVIEW! at The Mtv Movie Awards on May 31!
According to Marc Malkin of E! an exclusive prewiew will be shown and guess WHO'S gonna be there...

YES(again)Rob,Kristen and Taylor Lautner will be there like the last year(only with Cam Gigandet) of Twilight and it is also the year when Rob and Kristen walked on the red carpet together to support the movie.
"Fans can tune-in to the show to see sneak peeks from three of the most highly anticipated movies of the year," Burnett tells me. "These clips have never been seen before and we're very excited that The Twilight Saga: New Moon is one of them."
also Twilight and Slumdog Millionaire are leading the nominations with SIX nods.
Jetting out of Vancouver to Cannes!
The ever of date blog Lainey Gossip gives us news of the male protagonists in the story: Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner.

As for our favorite gorgeos vampire Edward or more specific Robert Pattinson has finished his filming in Vancouver and will get back ASAP to film in Italy with the others.As you can see with the pictures(below) he is jetting out of vancouver.


Cannes is also all about the party. There was a hilarious story that his cousin was in Cannes and she was at a club on Friday and was holding a table and kept telling the publicists that “Rob is coming” and pointing to her cell phone saying he was texting her so the whole time people were waiting for him to show up even though on Friday he was still working on Vancouver. Sharing bonuses with friends and family. Very cool.

Taylor Lautner And Selena Gomez dating?
nah!their not(or maybe)..

On a sunny day of Sunday the both of them got a day-off. And Taylor(think so..)invited Selena out for shopping and sushi.Also Taylor was with her younger sister which looks like Selena and went shopping together.As you can Selena looks like very invited to the Lautner family.

hmm that IS a very good friend.I hope they go beyond friends coz they look so good together and that is my opinion^^


The MontePulciano and fountain Scene

Another big thanks to Twilight Italy
for this exclusive pics of the set for NEW MOON in Italy.

seriously,this has been(probobly one of)the longest thing i've wrote. Well it does no matter i know there's a good cost.^^
bye for now-
yours truly,